Monday 31 October 2011

Jellyfish Painting - Adjusted

I have adjusted the paintings with curves within photoshop and then painting over little sections to increase the contrast between the shades. 

Sunday 30 October 2011

Jellyfish Paintings - Step one Black and white

Here are some paintings of the Jellyfish. At the moment I'm sorting out the contrast on the paintings, then will go on and colour them. I have used two different techniques on these paintings; one was to start with a line drawing then paint over it, the other was to just start painting without an outline and work on the shape. Both styles are good to work with, I found sometimes it is hard to start painting without the outline, but sometimes its good to just see what happens when you start painting.

Building Layouts

These are some building layouts that I did to help out a person in my group. I think that I need to practices drawing buildings as it took me longer then I thought to complete this sheet. Also need to practice creating layout sheets in general. 

Jellyfish Painting

This painting was just for fun and something that I had wanted to do at the beginning of the project. I still need to work on creating more contrast within paintings, and found that starting in colour at the moment might be the wrong way to to do it. Next time I'm going to try out a different way to complete a painting, at least the Jellyfish is simple to draw!

JellyFish Painting Stages

There are some images to show how I created the Jellyfish painting. This painting is not the same, but is the same way that I made my first painting.